Viscous Flow Computations for Compressor/Combustor Diffuser Design to Allow Air Extraction for IGCC Systems

Ajay K. Agrawal, Tah-Teh Yang
1991 Volume 3: Coal, Biomass and Alternative Fuels; Combustion and Fuels; Oil and Gas Applications; Cycle Innovations   unpublished
A computational procedure based on the solution of fully elliptic Navier-Stokes equations on a bodyfitted non-orthogonal grid was used to obtain flow fields in annular diffusers with a suction slot at the inner and outer walls. The turbulence effects were simulated by high Reynolds number form of the k-c model. The calculation method was used to modify an industrial gas turbine (GE MS-7001F) compressor/combustor annular diffuser to allow extraction of compressed airflow for coal gasification in
more » ... simplified IGCC Systems. The air for gasification was extracted through a suction slot on the outer wall of the diffuser which was curved to improve the overall performance and to avoid flow separation; both of these insured by providing accelerated flow through the suction slot and nearly constant wall pressure downstream of the slot. Suction slot and outer wall geometries to result in the above conditions were determined by a trial and error procedure. The diffuser's performance was further improved by extracting 6% of the compressed air through a slot at the inner wall, kept straight due to structural constraints. The resulting diffuser arrangement was relatively insensitive to the upstream disturbances.
doi:10.1115/91-gt-062 fatcat:myf7bzwbv5dhrp3x2lvbsq6ozy