Comparison of selected surface topography parameters after the turning of Inconel 625 obtained by the additive techniques to the parameters of the material made by the traditional techniques

Grobelny Pawel, Legutko Stanislaw, Lukasz Furmanski
2018 Archives of Mechanical Technology and Materials  
The paper presents the possibilities of additive manufacturing of the selected alloy, Inconel, for production of ready-made elements. The results of surface topography examination of the material manufactured with the use of the device 557 RPMI working in the LDT technology (LDT = Laser Deposition Technology) have been compared to those of thecold drawn material. The surfacejust after manufacturing inthese two technologies has been compared to the one after machining by means of variable
more » ... ng parameters. The surface roughness parameter, Sskis positive for all the surfaces of thesamplemade by the traditional technology, regardless of the feed. This means that most of the material is located close to the valleys. The surfaces are characterised by right-hand side asymmetry. In all the surfaces of the sample made by the additive technology, regardless of the feed value, the surface roughness parameter, Ssk, is negative, which means that most of the material is located close to the peaks.
doi:10.2478/amtm-2018-0013 fatcat:nqm3afpwu5b6dotff6ndea43f4