Secondary particle clusterization in carbon-carbon collision

Shinebayar J, Sovd M, Togoo R, Tulgaa T, Tursukh A
2018 Proceedings of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences  
<p>In the present work, using the hadron clustering algorithm, we have determined the mass of π<sup>0</sup> mesons with excellent accuracy by restoring data of the neutral particles which are produced in the collisions of carbons and propane. It has observed that the value of cut parameter for the clustering depends on the primary energies. <br />We have studied hadron cluster's and its particle multiplicities, longitudinal rapidity, transverse momentum and the temperature feature of cluster
more » ... ay. In the central region of the interaction, there is a cluster with high temperature produced by the collision process.</p>
doi:10.5564/pmas.v58i1.973 fatcat:j3sv2zjqrvap3jnii7dkz75fpm