Numerical Study of Hemodynamic Wall Parameters on Pulsatile Flow through Arterial Stenosis

M.R. Modarres Razavi, S.H. Seyedein, P.B. Shahabi, S.H Seyedein
2006 International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research  
In this paper hemodynamic wall parameters which play an important role to diagnose arterial disease were studied and compared for three different rheology models (Newtonian, Power law and Quemada). Also because of the pulsatile behavior of blood flow the results were obtained for three Womersley numbers which represent the frequencies of the applied pulses. Results show that Quemada model always located between Newtonian and Power law models however its behavior is closer to Power law model.
more » ... cerning this behavior and better agreement between Quemada and experimental blood viscosity, it can be expected that Quemada results are more realistic and accurate.
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