Morfolojik ve moleküler yöntemlerle çeltikte (Oryza sativa L.) generatif dönem soğuk stresinin etkilerinin belirlenmesi

2020 Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi  
Rice is a tropical plant and does not have an inbuilt resistance to cold, however, in Turkey and elsewhere it is grown in temperate regions. Evaluation of cold tolerance under controlled temperature conditions may be performed. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of cold stress on rice genotypes at the booting stage. The experiment conducted on 13 rice genotype at Edirne Trakya Agricultural Research Institute in 2013, 2014 and 2015. The experiments were designed in a randomized
more » ... t with 3 replicates. Cold tolerance was evaluated on Booting stage by-holding them at 9°C for 8 days then rice transfered greenhouse until maturity time. Rice panicle harvested and genotyps classed in cold tolerance class according to sterility percentage at booting stage cold stress. Results revealed that cold stress increased the sterility 272.6%. Sterility was measured 11.3% and 30.8% in control and cold stress application, respectively. The varieties which Tunca, Hamzadere and IR50 were found as susceptible. Pasalı Mevlutbey and Halilbey varieties were found as tolerant at booting stage. It was observed that indicated types where more susceptible to cold than Japonca types. Furthermore, it was aimed to determine cold stress at booting stages by molecular methods as inspecting three QTLs on 3, 7, 9 number genes, respectively. It was determined similar results between molecular and morphological cold tolerance results. It is recommended to grow up the selected rice varieties in the regions where cold stress occur during the booting stage.
doi:10.7161/omuanajas.669387 fatcat:vmxnco7zpjfsdgmfdd3xo7dp4m