Investigation of Heavy and Trace Metals in Some Kurdistan Region Crude Oils by Spectroscan MAX-G

Sherwan Mohammad Simo, Salah Aldin Naman, Kanaan Ramadan Ahmed, Anastasiya Vladimirovna Razina, Akhmetov Arslan Faritovich
2021 Asian Journal of Applied Chemistry Research  
Four types of Kurdistan crude oils have been studied to determine the heavy and trace metals. The significance of determining trace elements that exist in crude oils is helpful for further information about exploration, production and the refining process. In this work crude oil can be separated into products such as (gasoline, kerosene, diesel, and atmospheric distillation residue +350°C) by using atmospheric distillation unit and vacuum distillation unit. The trace metals can be determined
more » ... h acceptable accuracy and precision by spectroscan MAX-G. However, the values of Ni concentration were the best in accuracy among the group of metals of interest. The average values of the results will be employed as reference values of the trace metal content in the coming discussion and using Ni and V as test elements. The crude oil samples are characterized by with a dominance of V over Ni with a V/Ni ratio of 3.7 to 2.5. Trace element analysis of the five metals in crude oils and atmospheric distillation residues +350°C, for each crude oils and atmospheric distillation residues +350°C is investigated, samples of these areas has not been previously examined for trace element contents. In this study to find the relation between metals in crude oils and atmospheric distillation residue of samples. To detect the concentration of trace elements by using this instrument.
doi:10.9734/ajacr/2021/v9i330217 fatcat:i6yiizefqfefjafv2f5ley5nhq