R. L. Jiang, C. Fang, P. F. Chen
2010 Astrophysical Journal  
With gravity, ionization, and radiation being considered, we perform 2.5D compressible resistive MHD simulations of chromospheric magnetic reconnection using the CIP-MOCCT scheme. The temperature distribution of the quiet-Sun atmospheric model VALC and the helium abundance (10 simulation reproduces qualitatively the temperature enhancement observed in chromospheric microflares. The temperature enhancement Δ T is demonstrated to be sensitive to the background magnetic field, whereas the total
more » ... lution time Δ t is sensitive to the magnitude of the anomalous resistivity. Moveover, we found a scaling law, which is described as Δ T/Δ t ∼n_H^-1.5 B^2.1η_0^0.88. Our results also indicate that the velocity of the upward jet is much greater than that of the downward jet and the X-point may move up or down.
doi:10.1088/0004-637x/710/2/1387 fatcat:jbmluvkhcbdwnd4eija72s23se