Communicative Strategies and Misunderstandings. Discourse Analysis of the Russian North Caucasus Case

Dmitrii Gavra, Svetlana Glazkova
2015 Asian Social Science  
The paper proposes the critical discourse analysis as the method for the reconstruction of communication on the social problem. This approach provides explanation why the particular informational campaign was ineffective and the how the communication strategy has to be reconsidered. In presented study three types of social actors are defined: the authorities, the mass media and the citizens. These actors interpret the situation, produce discourse and make the influence on the formation of a
more » ... al conception of problematic situation. The empirical case is media reflection of the situation in the North Caucasus region of Russia in 2011-2012. For the analysis of three discourses two corpuses of texts thematically connected to the problem were chosen: news articles and Internet posts during two chronological periods -Analysis of mass media texts, official statements and comments on these communications by Internet audience enabled to draw out conclusions on the process of interpretation of social problem: the priority of the power institutions (institutional) discourse in the determination of social problem; the absence of interaction between the discourses. The disconnection between three discourses on the one social problem can be viewed as a symptom of ineffective communication strategy of the federal authorities. Empirical study has shown the way the communication strategy towards the social problem to be corrected in order to become more effective.
doi:10.5539/ass.v11n19p237 fatcat:xh676e76zjdcfg64cmv2tkyvri