Four-Frequency Radar Master Console [report]

F. R. Fluhr
1963 unpublished
ii Problem Status ii Authorization ii PERFORMANCE 18 RECOMMENDATIONS 27 FUTURE WORK 27 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 27 BIBLIOGRAPHY 28 ABSTRACT In conjunction with the commercially contracted development of the airborne four-frequency radar system to be used in the Laboratory's wave propagation studies, the master console design was assumed by NRL. Four d i spl a y s were incorporated into a s i n g 1 e console, along with transmitter, receiver, and antenna drive control functions. Two cathode-ray tubes
more » ... ent the PPI and B scans, while a third presents dual traces rep r e sent in g linear A sweeps. The systemcontrol-panel-assembly portion of the master cons o I e was completed on schedule to assist the contractor in the radar development. The rest of the console was designed and completed so as to meet the contractor's schedule for system tests. Video circuit bandwidth requirements of 10 Mc and sweep ranges from 1/4 mile up to 200 miles were met in the critical A-scope circuitry. PROBLEM STATUS The main console portion of the problem has been completed. Other portions of the problem, including the development of consoles 2 and 3, are continuing in this Branch. AUTHORIZATION
doi:10.21236/ad0409128 fatcat:is3aptvoqrapthu4fx65fqdjh4