The "Yellow Peril" and Asian Exclusion in the Americas

2007 Pacific Historical Review  
The author is a member of the departments of history and Asian American Studies at the University of Minnesota. This article examines the history of Asian migration and exclusion in the Americas by focusing on the intersections of national histories, transnational migration, and the globality of race. Beginning in the mid-nineteenth century, a transnational conversation about race, migration, and national security circulated throughout North and South America. The subject was the global
more » ... n of Asians and the alleged threat they posed. By examining the circularity of Asian migration within the Americas as well as the transnational nature of anti-Asian racism, this article seeks to revise our understandings of transnationalism and contribute to the larger global history of race.
doi:10.1525/phr.2007.76.4.537 fatcat:j2cr3zif2rasfkzpd4g4vbfweq