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1826 The New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery and the Collateral Branches of Science  
toms continuing unabated, I was called in, and, on examination, found the abdominal ring pervious, the belly tense, but not particularly painful. I ordered magnes, sulph. c. tra. theb. and the injection of tobacco smoke, but without success. In two days, a little discharge took place from the bowels, but the rest remained as before. As I suspected that a partial strangulation still remained, and as the patient refused to submit to the operation, I gave him ol. ricini c. tra. theb. and clysters
more » ... f tobacco decoction with vinegar; put him in the warm bath, &c, but all in vain. On the fifth day of my attendance, and the seventh from the appearance of the symptoms, the patient died. On examining the body, we found that there was not any strangulation, and that the viscera of the abdomen generally were in a healthy state; butin the small intestine we found a portion, about an inch and a half long, constricted and nearly altogether obliterated, presenting also the appearance of commencing gangrene
doi:10.1056/nejm182601010150115 fatcat:w5vto2mq2re7hdxuzarar3xgoa