Physicochemical parameters and nutrients variations of streams and rivers in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria

2013 Global NEST Journal  
<p>Physicochemical parameters and nutrient loads of major rivers and streams in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State were studied for a period of seven (7) months from May to November, 2011. Regular and constant monitoring of water bodies is vital to ensure that water quality characteristics are maintained. The results obtained showed; temperature (28.60&ndash;30.00 &deg;C), pH (6.80&ndash;7.93), DO (1.40&ndash;3.53 mg l-1), turbidity (41.33&ndash;97.67 NTU), conductivity (19.00&ndash;613.30 &micro;S cm-1),
more » ... total acidity (9.17&ndash;17.23 mg l-1), total alkalinity (6.43&ndash;10.97 mg l-1), BOD (1.20&ndash;7.03 mg l-1), COD (16.200&ndash;53.533 mg l-1), Phosphate (0.11&ndash;1.17 mg l-1) and Nitrate (0.12&ndash;1.45 mg l-1) ranges respectively. The turbidity and BOD were well above the prescribed standards. The results suggest that refuse disposal, fertilizer use, and natural phenomena e.g. soil erosion; flooding, etc. may have contributed in various ways to the impairment of the water quality of the studied sites. Although the results do not indicate adverse pollution status of any of the sites, they provided the need for further investigations and monitoring.</p>
doi:10.30955/gnj.000997 fatcat:54nttwtdobbmvn5e7gykq777rm