A new measurement of direct CP violation in neutral kaon decays at NA48

Jose Ocariz
2000 Proceedings of Third Latin American Symposium on High Energy Physics — PoS(silafae-III)   unpublished
Using data collected in 1998 by the NA48 experiment, a preliminary measurement of the direct CP violation parameter Re (ε /ε) is here presented, together with a discussion of the experimental method, data analysis and systematic studies. The result is Re (ε /ε) = (12.2 ± 4.9) × 10 −4 , and combined with the previously published NA48 result (based from data collected in 1997) gives Re (ε /ε) = (14.0 ± 4.3) × 10 −4 .
doi:10.22323/1.005.0027 fatcat:feyvamyhmfapvn4csdynl6cq6i