Research of the Heart Information Monitoring Robert Based on the 3G Wireless Communication Platform

Fuli Zhang, Huazhe Yang, Gensong Li, Yang Hong, Qingzhe Hu
2012 Physics Procedia  
Electrocardiogram (ECG) of a person can be recorded and the diagnostic results can be displayed through touching the heart information monitoring Robert. In addition, the heart rate, phonocardiogram (PCG) and the dynamic threedimensional echocardiography can also be displayed synchronously. Then the difficult ECG can be transmitted to the service center through 3G wireless communication center, followed by diagnosing the ECG by doctors and transmitting the feedback diagnostic results. I-lead
more » ... of the person can be recorded by the amplification circuit with high gain and low noise. Then, the heart rate and output phonocardiogram are displayed and the model of heart beat are started to trace through the recognition of R wave. Finally, the difficult ECG is transmitted to the service center via 3G communication chips. The displayed ECG is clear, and the stimulated heart beat is synchronous with that of the person. Furthermore, ECG received by the service center is in accordance with the one recorded by the Robert.
doi:10.1016/j.phpro.2012.03.366 fatcat:tej6a3giybf7ljtl4urfnkceoy