P3-S7.08 Clinical evaluation of the APTIMA(R) Trichomonas vaginalis assay on the TIGRIS(R) DTS(R) system in asymptomatic and symptomatic female subjects

J. Schwebke, M. Hobbs, S. Taylor, K. Chapin, M. Catania, B. Weinbaum, D. Getman, C. Gaydos
2011 Sexually Transmitted Infections  
Within this concordant pair, both women reported engaging in oral sex and sharing wet towels during sexual activity. One woman in this pair reported recent sex with a male partner while the other woman denied history of other sexual partners during the past 3 months and had not had sex with a male partner in 5 years. Additionally, a follow-up visit of one of the members of this concordant union demonstrated a RAPD pattern discordant with previous findings indicating that the individual's
more » ... treatment was successful and that she had acquired a new TV infection. Conclusions Given the phenotypic similarity of banding patterns within one AAWSW sexual partnership, female to female transmission of TV may have occurred. The frequency of TV transmission between WSW is unknown at this time; however, the use of RAPD appears to be informative for differentiating isolates of TV. A prospective study examining the epidemiology and incidence of TV infection among WSW is necessary.
doi:10.1136/sextrans-2011-050108.491 fatcat:4b55ayfgb5dg7eecewlimfvkji