Psychosocial Adjustment among Adolescents with Congenital Heart Diseases in Benha City

Samar Ezat El-Sarawy, Mervat Hosny Shalaby, Doha Abd El-Basser Mahmoud
2022 Journal of Nursing Science Benha University  
Congenital heart disease is a long -term condition that can affect physical, psychological and social function. Aim of study: Was to explore the psychosocial adjustment among adolescents with congenital heart diseases. Research design: A descriptive research design was utilized to achieve the aim of the study. Setting: The study was conducted at cardiology department and cardiac outpatient clinic at Benha University Hospital. Sample: Convenience sample consisted of 100 patients with congenital
more » ... eart disease. Tools: Two tools were utilized. (1): Structured interview questionnaire, (2): Psychosocial adjustment patterns among patients with congenital heart disease. Results: About three fifth of the studied patients are little using about methods of psychosocial adjustment patterns (seek support and avoidance methods), while two fifth of them are high using about active adaptation methods. Conclusion: There are highly positive correlations between total psychosocial adjustment patterns of the studied patients. Recommendations: Providing psychosocial counseling in which psychological support for patients and their families help them to identify strengths, abilities and resources in order to contribute to positive adjustment and healthy outcomes.
doi:10.21608/jnsbu.2022.213697 fatcat:im4cehrw4ngbzl442sqqsiwnoi