Diagnosing Multicollinearity in Exponential Random Graph Models [post]

Scott W Duxbury
2018 unpublished
Exponential random graph models (ERGM) have been widely applied in the social sciences in the past ten years. However, diagnostics for ERGM have lagged behind their use. Collinearity-type problems can emerge without detection when fitting ERGM, skewing coefficients, biasing standard errors, and yielding inconsistent model estimates. This article provides a method to detect multicollinearity in ERGM. It outlines the problem and provides a method to calculate the variance inflation factor from
more » ... M parameters. It then evaluates the method with a Monte Carlo simulation, fitting 216,000 ERGMs and calculating the variance inflation factors for each model. The distribution of variance inflation factors is analyzed using multilevel regression to determine what network characteristics lend themselves to collinearity-type problems. The relationship between variance inflation factors and unstable standard errors (a standard sign of collinearity) is also examined. The method is shown to effectively detect multicollinearity and guidelines for interpretation are discussed.
doi:10.31235/osf.io/2tgm7 fatcat:4qvnhgzcq5btfm7uhko5isw77q