Microvalve with ultra-low leakage

M. Hirano, K. Yanagisawa, H. Kuwano, S. Nakano
Proceedings IEEE The Tenth Annual International Workshop on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems. An Investigation of Micro Structures, Sensors, Actuators, Machines and Robots  
This paper reports a reduction of microvalve leakage based on precise measurements of leak and flow rates. The tight contact between a valve cap and seat, which is obtained by nanometer-scale flat surfaces and by self-alignment of the cap and seat-bore, makes the leakage from a microvalve ultra-low. The leak and flow rates are determined by precisely measuring pressure changes when introducing helium gas into a flow line. We have, consequently, attained a leak rate as low as 5.8 x 10-l' Pa.m3/s
more » ... and a flow rate ranging from 4.0 x to 3.2 x Pa.m3/s.
doi:10.1109/memsys.1997.581844 fatcat:efunywiri5cclpnb25oqxxtc4e