Modified Convex Hull Algorithm for Recovering Smashed Wireless Sensor Networks

M Rajya, Lakshmi Professor
2017 International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology © 2017 IJSRCSEIT   unpublished
Because of its minute form factor and also inadequate onboard energy, sensor nodes are prone to failure. As a component of two step network design, a set of relay nodes is supplemented into the sensor network to enable collating data from the sensor nodes. The sink is supposed to receive data from multiple relay nodes simultaneously. Thus will create a collision between the nodes and affect efficient data delivery in partitioned network. The primary aim of this paper is to examine an approach
more » ... order to restore unattended mobile sensor node from damage through the placement of relay nodes, mainly collects data without data traffic. This particular scheme introduces a convex hull algorithm to reestablish the connectivity in an unpredictable environment of large scale relay deployments. Such a topology reduces the delay and enhances performance and further avoids compromization. Efficiency of this recovery algorithm is proven through the simulation results.