A study on transient wear behavior of new freight wheel profiles due to two points contact in curve negotiation

Morad Shadfar, Habibollah Molatefi
2017 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics  
Systematic examinations on wear behavior of stick/slip contact around metal on metal have shown that the dissipated energy and contact forces are two important parameters of wear of wheels and rails. Nevertheless, an accurate estimation of these parameters is still a great challenge. Recent developments of non-linear dynamical models and simulation of operational conditions have tried to find a solution of this challenge. These results are used as the input to calculations of wear propagation.
more » ... hough, the dynamic model should be able to predict wheel-rail interaction with high accuracy. In addition, wheel-rail wear is a function of several other parameters whose their integrated influence becomes more than the main discussed ones. In this study, with the help of multi-body dynamics (MBD), an open wagon equipped with three pieces bogies, considering non-linear effects of friction wedges and structural clearances is modeled in Universal Mechanism. Tangent and curved sections of the track considering random vertical and lateral irregularities are simulated. The simulation results are used to calculate wear of both left and right wheels separately. Specht's wear model based on Archard's wear model is used. The studied parameters are the rail side coefficient of friction, track quality, track curvature, velocity and rail side wear. Finally, the effects of mentioned parameters are studied on wear depth and wear pattern of new wheel profiles under incompatible contact (which occurs in Iran railway network). The results show different wear volume and wear pattern compared to compatible contact.
doi:10.15632/jtam-pl.55.2.621 fatcat:2ubi7d3iarh2df76cbartw7kk4