On the non-equivalence of rearranged Walsh and trigonometric systems in Lp

Aicke Hinrichs, Jörg Wenzel
2003 Studia Mathematica  
We consider the question whether the trigonometric system can be equivalent to some rearrangement of the Walsh system in L p for some p = 2. We show that this question is closely related to a combinatorial problem. This enables us to prove non-equivalence for a number of rearrangements. Previously this was known for the Walsh-Paley order only. * The authors were supported by DFG grants Hi 584/2-2 and We 1868/1-1, resp. Both authors thank the University of Pretoria where part of this work was
more » ... ried out. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification 42C10, 42C20, 46B15
doi:10.4064/sm159-3-7 fatcat:e7ujfu5w6vfffdffstuhnpdkr4