Marxism and Educational Theory [book]

Mike Cole
1946 unpublished
While Marx and Engels wrote little on education, the educational implications of Marxism are clear. Education both reproduces capitalism and has the potential to undermine it. This entry, therefore, takes each of these propositions in turn. With respect to reproduction, it is informative to look at key texts by Althusser and Bowles and Gintis (and the latter's legacy). As far as challenging capitalism is concerned, considerations are given of both theoretical developments and practical attempts
more » ... to confront neoliberalism and enact socialist principles, the combination of which Marxists refer to as praxis. There have been constant challenges to Marxism since its conception, and the entry concludes with a look at two contemporary theories -Critical Race Theory and its primacy of 'race' over class -and intersectionality which has a tendency to marginalize class.
doi:10.4324/9780203397329 fatcat:whtoluezmzdc3e3id5y2vbm3ea