Management of Migraine Headache in the Emergency Department

Carrie Robertson, David Black, Jerry Swanson
2010 Seminars in neurology  
Headache is one of the more common reasons for adults to visit an emergency department. Most of these visits are for primary headache disorders, most commonly migraine headache. The authors discuss management options for patients presenting to the emergency department with prolonged, severe, or refractory migraine headaches. Particular attention is given to parenteral treatments and protocols that would not be options as an outpatient. The epidemiology, investigation, and outpatient management
more » ... f migraine headache are discussed in other articles in this issue.
doi:10.1055/s-0030-1249228 pmid:20352590 fatcat:3gamo76gyre5lnw5mm7dkqmg4q