Structural Synthesis of 3-DoF Spatial Fully Parallel Manipulators

Alfonso Hernandez, Jose Ignacio Ibarreche, Victor Petuya, Oscar Altuzarra
2014 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems  
In this paper, the architectures of three degrees of freedom (3-DoF) spatial, fully parallel manipulators (PMs), whose limbs are structurally identical, are obtained systematically. To do this, the methodology followed makes use of the concepts of the displacement group theory of rigid body motion. This theory works with so-called 'motion generators'. That is, every limb is a kinematic chain that produces a certain type of displacement in the mobile platform or end-effector. The laws of group
more » ... gebra will determine the actual motion pattern of the end-effector. The structural synthesis is a combinatorial process of different kinematic chains' topologies employed in order to get all of the 3-DoF motion pattern possibilities in the end-effector of the fully parallel manipulator.
doi:10.5772/58732 fatcat:vowxukaiwvf7pozyxrmi5wfoqi