Education And Leadership Training Program In Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 To Improve Employee Creativity Ministry Of Health Of The Republic Of Indonesia

2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  
The Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Health (KEMENKES RI) is a government institution that serves to oversee and provide solutions to the health problems of all Indonesians. KEMENKES RI leadership training is also one of the steps taken as an internal effort of KEMENKES in the quality of human resources. The development of existing technology can be used as a supporting device in achieving the desired results. Revolution 4.0 is the basis used in decision making so that more knowledge is needed
more » ... in the form of increasing competence based on information technology. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of education and leadership training in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 on employee creativity. The research conducted at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia uses a case study method. To be the sample, 168 employees of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia were chosen through simple random sampling from 289 populations. This study found that there is a positive direct effect of education and leadership training in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 on employee creativity. This study concludes that employee creativity is positively influenced by education and leadership training. Therefore, to maintain employee creativity, organizations must implement leadership education and training. Finally, it was concluded that leadership education and training must be considered in producing better employee creativity
doi:10.35940/ijeat.e1107.0585c19 fatcat:5dyw3ih5ujenlieo7csjavswqq