Situation Assessment in Disaster Management

Juan Carlos Augusto, Hui Wang, Jun Liu
2008 International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems  
We present a framework for decision-making in relation to disaster management with a focus on situation assessment during disaster management monitoring. The use of causality reasoning based on the temporal evolution of a scenario provides a natural way to chain meaningful events and possible states of the system. There are usually different ways to analyse a problem and different strategies to follow as a solution and it is also often the case that information originating in different sources
more » ... an be inconsistent or unreliable. Therefore we allow the specification of possibly conflicting situations as they are typical elements in disaster management. A decision procedure to decide on those conflicting situations is presented which not only provides a framework for the assistance of one decision-maker but also how to handle opinions from a hierarchy of decision-makers.
doi:10.2991/jnmp.2008.1.3.6 fatcat:53mkknvkfveafnguzqmm4tntxi