Infertility in female and its homoeopathic management

Dr. Ashok Yadav, Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Saini, Dr. Pawan Choudhary, Dr. Sakshi Sharma, Dr. Rekha Sharma
2022 International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences  
Infertility is a clinical condition of a couple who is unable to conceive the child. Infertility in female is very often observed. Numerous Reproductive Technology has been carried out such as IVF, Surrogacy, Artificial insemination, etc. but common people cannot afford the cost of such procedures. Various homoeopathic medicines are effective in infertility cases and will even prevent the recurrent abortions and other obstruction causing infertility. In this regard the present review is aimed
more » ... know all the necessary information regarding the effective method for treatment and management of female infertility [1] .
doi:10.33545/26164485.2022.v6.i3c.616 fatcat:uagp7c42xjcd7dhka3pwe7vuo4