Programa madre canguro: una alternativa sencilla y costo eficaz para la protección de los recién nacidos prematuros o con bajo peso al nacer

Jenny P. Lizarazo-Medina, Juan M. Ospina-Diaz, Nelly E. Ariza-Riaño
2012 Revista de Salud Pública  
Objective programme (KMP) regarding preterm or low-birth-weight babies' health and develop ment in Hospital San Rafael in Tunja from November 2007 to December 2009. Methods This was a retrospective observational cohort study; 374 infants born pre maturely or having low-birth-weight were included to assess household sociodemo graphic factors, maternal and obstetric history, delivery characteristics and complica tions and follow-up until 40 weeks post-conception age. Results There was a high
more » ... lence of teenage pregnancy (17.5 %) and in women older than 35 years (12.6 %), unwanted pregnancy (40.6 %), low quality and poor availability of food in families, complications such as preeclampsia, infection and premature rupture of membranes, 1,969 grams average birth weight, 2,742.9 grams average weight on discharge and 22 grams average weight gain per day. Conclusions It was found that KMP methodology substantially improved the mothers' psychological aspects and health status and the newborns' prognosis and led to stabilising body temperature and weight gain rate while decreasing risks of complica tions and nosocomial infection. It also lowered health care costs and shortened hos pital stay.
doi:10.1590/s0124-00642012000800004 pmid:23258280 fatcat:yofvdcssinenbhnf4zr4p7ymjq