Key Performance Indicators for Factor Score based Ranking in ODI Cricket

Prashant Premkumar, Jimut Bahan Chakrabarty, Shovan Chowdhury
2019 IIMB Management Review  
Player rankings are of concern to sports authorities, the players and the enthusiasts and with commercialization of sports it is even more important to the investors. New variables as well as refinement of existing variables based on certain key performance indicators have been introduced here, upon which the ranking of a player should depend in cricket. Many of these variables have been ignored by the earlier ranking systems including the most widely used ICC ranking system. Using a dynamic
more » ... her than a static approach of generating factor scores through the factor analysis approach, on a match by match basis, this paper ranks batsmen and bowlers who have played One Day International (ODI) cricket during the calendar year 2015.
doi:10.1016/j.iimb.2019.07.008 fatcat:obg3khxp6vcdxdm44zks35l2km