Evaluation of the hypo-allergenicity effect of rice and wheat hydrolysates: a double-blind randomized clinical trial

Hui-Fang Chiu, You-Cheng Shen, Yi-Chun Han, Kamesh Venkatakrishnan, Chin-Kun Wang
2020 Journal of food bioactives : an official scientific publication of the International Society of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ISNFF)  
This study was conducted to evaluate and compare the anti-allergenicity effect of rice and wheat hydrolysates in food allergic subjects. Totally fifty food allergic subjects (confirmed by allergic score) were recruited and divided into 2 groups as rice hydrolysate (RH; n = 40) and wheat hydrolysate (WH; n = 10) and asked to take either rice or wheat hydrolysate formula for 4 weeks. After 4 weeks of intervention with RH, the levels of the allergic score, allergic inflammatory markers like
more » ... hil count (EC) and eosinophil cation protein (ECP), as well as in total IgE, total nasal symptom score (TNSS) were significantly reduced as compared to the baseline. However, WH supplemented (4 weeks) group showed a mild increase in total IgE, EC (but no change in inflammatory markers, ECP, TNSS) along with decreased SCORAD (SCORing Atopic Dermatitis) index as compared to the baseline. Overall, the subjects that consumed the RH formula for 4 weeks showed a marked decrease in the allergic parameters except for the SCORAD index and thus endorsing its potent anti-allergenicity property better than WH (which indeed aggravated EC, IgE levels). Therefore, RH might be recommended with other standard anti-allergic drugs to delay or suppress allergic symptoms and its related allergic responses.
doi:10.31665/jfb.2020.10227 fatcat:f7fqkggfqrgx5cyvkuxckjuyry