Hid(ing) Media Professionals: Constructing and Contesting the 1st AD

Daniel Ashton, Nic Jeune, Mediarep.Org
2020 VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture  
This article addresses the hidden professions of television production through examining the role of the First Assistant Director (1st AD). Drawing on 'industry talk,' this article examines the ways in which the role of the 1st AD is understood as central to the film and television production process but regarded as overlooked or lacking in status and visibility. Examining how 1st ADs position themselves and are positioned as both invisible and visible is an opportunity to examine competing
more » ... rstandings of production hierarchies and how 1st ADs can challenge their status as hidden professionals.
doi:10.25969/mediarep/14085 fatcat:5crfrw3vpbahjghkaezzxlaelu