Maternal sciatic nerve administered bupivacaine induces hippocampal cell apoptosis in offspring

Alireza Mirkheshti, Alireza Shakeri, Elham Memary, Mansoureh Baniasadi, Jalal Zaringhalam, Ardeshir Tajbakhsh, Marzieh Mirzaei, Elena Lak
2020 BMC Anesthesiology  
Bupivacaine, an amid-type local anesthetic, is widely used for clinical patients especially in pregnant women. In addition to neurotoxicity effect of bupivacaine, it can cross the placenta, accumulates in this tissue and retained in fetal tissues. Nevertheless, whether bupivacaine can cause neurotoxicity in fetus remains unclear. Hence, this study was design to investigate the effects of maternal bupivacaine use on fetus hippocampal cell apoptosis and the possible related mechanism. On day 15
more » ... pregnancy, sciatic nerve of pregnant wistar rat (180-200 g) were exposed by lateral incision of the right thigh and 0.2 ml of bupivacaine was injected. After their delivery, we randomly selected one male offspring of every mother. On day 30 after of their birth, the rat's hippocampi were isolated for molecular studies. Western blotting was used to examine the expression of cleaved caspase-3, caspase-8 and p-Akt in fetal hippocampus. Our results showed that maternal bupivacaine use caused a significant increment of cleaved caspase-3 and caspase-8 expression in fetal hippocampus compared with the sham group. In addition, maternally administered bupivacaine could significantly decrease hippocampal P.Akt/T.Akt ratio which was concurrent with an increment of cleaved caspase-3 and caspase-8 expression. Our data suggest that maternal bupivacaine use increases fetal hippocampal cell apoptosis markers such as caspase 8 and cleaved caspase 3, at least in part, via inhibiting the Akt activation.
doi:10.1186/s12871-020-01143-2 pmid:32894054 fatcat:mhfmqwd4yzc3bfysof2z2kfn5a