The Value of Conceptual Encounter methodology in exploring women's experience of identity work in career choices and transitions

Sarah Snape
Conceptual Encounter, a constructivist research methodology, was first introduced by de Rivera in 1981. Its key output is a conceptualisation that contributes to an 'ever-broadening map of human experience' (de Rivera & Kreilkamp, 2006, p.24). As there are limited existing studies using this approach, the purpose of this article is to describe the researcher's experience of using and adapting the methodology to co-create with research partners a model for coaching practice. The research topic,
more » ... omen's identity work in career choices and transitions, features frequently in coaching sessions and has been the subject of studies in career counselling and psychology, but in the field of coaching it has 'yet to emerge, and presents as an opportunity for future research' (Parker, 2016, p.419).
doi:10.24384/9z87-qr07 fatcat:uby22fpmjrdhfdzycjcdhf55gu