Redox Properties of Binuclear Rhenium-Platinum Vinylidene Complexes with Phosphorus Containing Ligands
Редокс-свойства биядерных рений-платиновых винилиденовых комплексов с фосфорсодержащими лигандами

Galina V. Burmakina, Victor V. Verpekin, Dmitry V. Zimonin, Oleg S. Chudin, Ruslan O. Ergaev, Anatoliy I. Rubaylo
2016 Journal of Siberian Federal University Chemistry  
The redox properties of new binuclear μ-vinylidene complexes Cp(CO) 2 RePt(μ-C 1 = C 2 HPh)LL′ [L = СO, L′ = PPh 3 (1); L = СO, L′ = P(OPr i ) 3 (2); L = L′ = PPh 3 (3); L = L′ = P(OPr i ) 3 (4)] were studied by electrochemical methods at a platinum, a glassed carbon and a dropping mercury electrodes in acetonitrile solutions. It was established that one-electron oxidation of 3 and 4 results in a cleavage of the Re-Pt and Pt-C 1 bonds affording vinylidene complex Cp(CO) 2 RePt = C = CHPh and
more » ... LL′] fragments. In contrast to complexes 3 and 4, one-electron oxidation of 1 and 2 is reversible, indicating the greater electrochemical stability of lasts relative to 3 and 4.
doi:10.17516/1998-2836-2016-9-1-13-19 fatcat:gkkcsuicjbfndbzu3kknx6cj2q