An Empirical Study on Farmers' Perception towards the use of Chemicals and Bio-Fertilizers

Sudhakar Dwivedi
2021 Agro-Economist  
Farmers' perception towards chemical and bio-fertilizers was assessed on the basis of primary as well as secondary data. The two blocks i.e. Ranbir Singh Pura and Satwari were selected for survey and from each block two villages were selected for the study. The 25 number of respondents from each village were taken which constituted the total 100 sample size. The present research was descriptive type and convenience sampling tools were used in present study. The study found the highest number of
more » ... the respondents i.e. (46 per cent) said that they mostly use Urea, DAP and MOP. The highest number of the respondents i.e. (47 per cent) said that they use the fertilizers to get the quantity and production enhancement, the majority of the respondents (100 per cent) said that they purchase the fertilizers from local markets. The study revealed that the majority of the respondents i.e. (78 per cent) said that they take buying decision of fertilizers by themselves; the majority of the respondents i.e. (38 per cent) said that they have a highly satisfying overall experience of using fertilizers. The highest number of the respondents i.e. (36 per cent) was neutral with the statement. Regarding (I prefer bio-fertilizer because I get good quality) the least number of the respondents i.e. (9 per cent) were disagree with the statement. Regarding (I use bio-fertilizer because for best production) the least number of the respondents i.e. (11 per cent) were agree with the statement.
doi:10.30954/2394-8159.01.2021.5 fatcat:t5ic667aefdjvndv3fxvrbfcfe