Heat Transfer Analysis in Heating of Steel Cylinder in a Graphite Vessel

Liviu Catalin Brabie, Ken-ichiro Mori, Tao Wang, Masahiro Kawakami
2000 ISIJ International  
As a part of investigation on the scTap-base steef making, a computer model, which could simulate the transport phenomena in heating of a steel cylinder in a graphite vessel, was devefoped. Themodel describes the numerical modeling of two-dimensional coupfed turbulent tfow and heat transfer in a graphite vessel. The model uses generalized transport equations, which are applicable to the gas and solid region. The governing transport equations are solved simuftaneously by the ANSYS package. This
more » ... odel allows calculation of the temperature distribution inside the gas and solid phase, as well as convective and radiative heat transfer coefticients. Launder and Spalding's default values have been used with satisfactory results. The etfect of variovs factors, such as steel cylinder surface conditions, gas flow rate, on the heating rate has been discussecl. The values of emissivity for diftereht surface condition have been determined. Elest fitting was obtainetl with an emissivity's vafue of 0.9 for b[ack surface and 0.2 for the polished one. The radiative heat transfer coefticients obtained were 560 (for polished surface) and 640 W/m2K (for black surface), respectively. The convective heat transfer coefticients were in the range of 13 to 33.64 W/m2K, depending on the gas flow rate. Theconvective Nusselt number in dependence on the 0446 0.33 Reynolds and Prandtl numbers yielded to the following relation: Nu=0.75Re ' Pr
doi:10.2355/isijinternational.40.suppl_s115 fatcat:bqyuh6in45hvfespeurivoixqa