Perfluorinated "mini" micelles: energy transfer from benzophenone and determination of aggregation number

Nicholas J. Turro, Plato C. C. Lee
1982 The Journal of Physical Chemistry  
The phosphorescences of R~( b p y )~~+ and of benzophenone are readily observed in aqueous solutions containing sodium perfluorooctanoate (SPFO) micelles. The quenching of Ru(bpy)gz+ by nitrobenzene is employed to determine the aggregation number of SPFO micelles. A very small value of -7 is found and indicates that SPFO forms "mini" micelles in contrast to typical hydrocarbon chain containing detergents which have aggregation numbers typically in the range of 50-100. From phosphorescence
more » ... ing and phosphorescence sensitization measurements, energy transfer from benzophenone triplets to 1,4-dibromonaphthalene in SPFO micelles was demonstrated to occur. The dual phosphorescence spectra of p-chlorobenzaldehyde in polycrystalline methylcyclohexane is shown to originate from different guest sites in the crystalline matrix, by narrow band excitation and lifetime experiments.
doi:10.1021/j100214a020 fatcat:6ohonuzflrddfpb2tsizho4jby