Science for Russia: Innovative Tuning of the Econom

Svetlana Demidenko, Evgeny Semenov
2021 Science management theory and practice  
The discussion revealed the main positions of researchers on the lines of "state – market" and "national – global". The dominant point of view is the recognition of the irreplaceability of the market and, above all, the demand for science and innovation on the part of the hightech industry, as well as the recognition of the special role of the state in the development of the institutional environment and the fear of bureaucratization. For all the tempting idea of connecting the country to the
more » ... obal innovation mechanism, the formation of an effective national innovation system (ecosystem) is recognized as more realistic under current conditions. In this regard, the development of human capital and the institutional environment, as well as the digital transformation of the main spheres of the life of society, including the scientific, technological and innovation spheres, are of particular importance. Deep integration of science into the national innovation system is required, which implies the participation of science in the innovation process at all its stages and the connection of science with all types of innovations from technological to organizational.
doi:10.19181/smtp.2021.3.4.13 fatcat:fle7eszh4rct5nne2gfnrh4x5e