Determining Association of Mental Wellbeing and Resilience among Pakistani Medical Students & the Perceived Effect on Their Future Behaviour as a Doctor

Tahira Amjad
2020 Proceedings of ‏The 2nd International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities   unpublished
Mental health conditions are on the rise. In Pakistan, the mental health of university students is suboptimal especially among medical students. This study aims to identify the mental well-being and resilience among Pakistani medical students and to establish a relationship between resilience and mental well-being. Method: It was a cross-sectional study conducted in FUMC. Simple random sampling was done. Students from 2nd to 5th year MBBS were included in the study via lottery method. A
more » ... ed self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection. The questionnaire comprised of Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale and Brief Resilience Scale as well as 9 statements that assessed the perception of medical students. Results: The mean WEMWB score was 47.41 ± 8.87 and the mean resilience score was 3.09 ± 0.68. 24.8% of medical student fell into low mental well-being category and 40.20% of medical students fell into low resilience category. The association between mental well-being and resilience came out to be significant. 83.3% of students believed that mental well-being and resilience will have an effect on their future behaviour as doctors. 80.1% of students agreed on peer interventions to improve resilience and mental well-being of medical students. Conclusion: The overall mental well-being and resilience status of medical students was normal. However a significant percentage of medical students scored low on mental wellbeing and resilience scales. This study also defined a significant relationship between mental well-being and resilience. Interventions should be done to improve the future behaviour of medical students as doctors.
doi:10.33422/2nd.icrsh.2020.12.07 fatcat:ji7r5qfvzngypa2q3vwiablzxe