The Nanaimo Free Press [Tuesday, July 14, 1914] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
A». B«-». t w -m. M that no* propowid. of |5^» •Hi* City Bngtawn pec«Utar» in «n«hi work •' -P-^ w-" not T«t !)•*• worhod out-" "SI ,11 the .Menneo «wtin« "B beb« pmn*t. 8EWEB B3CTEN8ION8. Tj" BewiC CommlUho pre»o-■ eo«plMe ouaine of the work en, ____ -.-^ to be carried out under U» Sennr Rxtenrion ByUw P^.^^mo C«netery oently by the ratepa|^ ' Municipal Council Bated ooet of S80.WB. ^ U.htlng oommended that a beulntdn* rtreet rec BBU at «»oe -ith miitu ......... eity -yetem. while t|u« yet
more » ... ed certain Portlo.:^ of " Mr et««. the! could not W undcirtAlrja at**W "w^ f the Ue of^P Ajslac tipon K« w-Z, wanta wmaAed that more mM, driay at tWe an INV1TATTON7 •fore 11 m.m. Toma^y, W.lo«*wUl poelUvely be closed •> ______ ______ ___ 0,at hour, except thoee arriving on Ber,whoee time ha.l m.lly ^ the end of J train, which wiU be ad-^ that appeale to t^ At ^ the.ea dlately after the arrival tn «>eie bahalf W"L .. ---------,-i._i khm a eatWactory _ TJTZ -m 1.-■ frtnn to e«»t«T of the Vhlon etatlng the of train. Mitt thiv mH in® -»ortt to be 400.. ^ s. I. and 7. w SThlTH Sa to mah. on. or tw, ^imo Council to .4. Mid If to Council! On motion the cot P.B to -to. Pro«~". »*-Aid h^KlnneU eeeonded by Aid. KUtaen. too «ov*l Urnt to r-ort the eommltto be adopted, the action bring -----------bring a eatWacto^ wt th^i» *" »y. Sept. 10. comnmoc ^IT^Pfieed gn per emit, of the » a.m.. aHer which no animal ^tere afW the^awe of toemmtxy. wUl be received lor eompelUlon. ' ""t be mdotcod wHh to pmw . The commute a in charse of the ,ovem»ent in power their o1 Field IToduce and Dairy-T. Cun-the proper i nliucham. W. Tippett. H. Hunter. T.\ l" the aft
doi:10.25316/ir-8547 fatcat:v4cpkynb7va53ev6xbvmvihtha