Indirect preparative-analytical gas chromatographic technique for mass spectrometric identification of rum composition

Heriberto Batiz
1969 The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico  
A gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS) at the Rum Pilot Plant (RPP) is contributing significantly toward the production of high quality rum. This GC-MS permits better prediction and control of the quality of distilled spirits and fermented products. Since rum cannot be fully analyzed directly with GC-MS because many of its components are at extremely low concentrations, different techniques are being considered for preparing concentrates suitable for study by this instrument. The
more » ... e reported here uses an indirect approach, where the sample is concentrated in a preservative column and subsequently retained in a small trap. Finally the product is quantitatively transferred and sealed in a small vial for further analysis with the flame ionization decector (FID) or the CG-MS. This chromatographic technique was evaluated successfully. Data obtained resulted in about 1000-fold improvement in the concentration of components in their own matrix compared with that of the neat rum. The vast majority of components resolved with the new technique are at concentrations below 0.01 mg/100 ml and numerous compounds separated in the chromatogram have not previously been observed in Puerto Rican rums.
doi:10.46429/jaupr.v75i1.3548 fatcat:2hklynoqibhcjpahiimu4jgoa4