Carbon Sequestration in Agroforestry Technologies as a Strategy for Climate Change Mitigation [chapter]

Lazaro Elibariki Nnko
2021 Global Warming and Climate Change [Working Title]  
Worldwide agroforestry has been recognized as a potential greenhouse gases mitigation strategy under Kyoto protocol. And this is due to its potential in carbon sequestration. There are several agroforestry technologies with different rate in carbon sequestration. In that respect carbon sequestration can depend on type of technology, climate, time since land use change and previous land use. Our knowledge in this topic from the tropical countries such as Tanzania is how ever very limited. To
more » ... ess this challenge this study was undertaken in Kilombero District where the local community are practicing various agroforestry technologies. The objective of this study was to understand the carbon sequestration in different trees species in agroforestry technologies and also to understand which agroforestry technology provide the greatest benefit in term of carbon sequestration. Ecological survey was conducted and a total of 90 plot engaged in different agroforestry technologies were randomly selected from three villages of different altitudinal range. Pivot table was used in analysis and allometric equation was used for computing biomass and carbon. The result shows that Mangifera indica contributed highest carbon over all the tree species encountered during ecological survey with 189.88 Mg C ha−1. Home garden, Mixed intercropping, Parkland and Boundary with 19 514.19 MgCha−1, 648.44MgCha−1,144.79 MgCha−1 and 139.29 Mg C ha−1 respectively were the agroforestry technology practiced in Kilombero. From the results Home garden contributed more to carbon sequestration and this study results can be used to inform practitioners and policy makers on the most effective agroforestry technologies for carbon sequestration since agroforestry technologies are expected to play important role as climate change mitigation strategy.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.100036 fatcat:ylshwmhqgnegnaputqg4at24gu