Far Field of Bragg Reflection Waveguides: Characteristics and Closed-Form Approximation

Nima Zareian, Payam Abolghasem, Amr S. Helmy
2011 Journal of Lightwave Technology  
A comprehensive study of the far-field diffraction pattern of Bragg reflection waveguides is presented. Using a Gaussian approximation of the near-field profile, an analytical formula for the far-field pattern of the fundamental Bragg mode is obtained. The proposed closed-form representation offers a powerful technique for examining the far-field characteristics, which provides insight into the design optimization of Bragg reflection waveguides. Index Terms-Bragg reflection waveguides (BRWs),
more » ... ffraction theory, far field, transverse Bragg reflector.
doi:10.1109/jlt.2010.2102741 fatcat:afeszwrilvfu3hvkuguuebjsfe