Ademila, O, Okpoli, C.C, Ehinmitan, D
2019 Earth Sciences Pakistan  
Integrated geophysical techniques involving magnetic and radiometric data were used to investigate the subsurface geometry of Igarra schist belt in Precambrian basement complex of southwestern Nigeria which falls within the latitude range of 7° 1635.6" to 7° 1736.0' North and longitude range of 6° 0534.1" to 6°05'44"East, with a view to interpret the geology of part of Igarra schist belt and estimate the depth to basement of magnetic source in the area. Six profiles were established with the
more » ... ective of delineating the metasediments and its structural attributes, and geophysical measurements were made at 5m intervals along these profiles. The results of magnetic datasets were presented as maps and profiles of varying magnetic intensities and the causative rock types. Qualitative interpretation of the magnetic data using Reduction to pole, Analytical signal, first vertical, horizontal and tilt derivatives, upward continuation filters shows what has been interpreted as the signature of a near-vertical fault, trending along a NE-SW and NW-SE direction while radiometric datasets gave geochemical rates of U, Th and K as well as the effect of water contents on the rocks present within the study area. Qualitative and quantitative interpretation of individual magnetic anomalies and geological knowledge of the survey area yielded information on the depth of the geological features (e.g. rock contact, faults or fractures), structure and magnetic properties of rock units. 3D Euler deconvolution and Average radial spectrum were adopted to estimate the depth of the magnetic sources which ranges from -92.895m to 73.95m; -115.45m to 57.44m and 63m to 44.1m; 88.2m to 81.9 m respectively. The Igarra schist belt has evolved different episodes of orogenies and the metasediments were formed from low grade regional metamorphism of argillaceous sediments such as shales or sediments of varying composition. KEYWORDS Magnetic, Radiometric, Igarra Schist-belt, Qualitative and quantitative interpretations. The metasedimentary suite has been intruded by igneous rocks of Pan African age in the study area. Igarra/Semorika pluton is the largest body Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP)
doi:10.26480/esp.01.2019.01.09 fatcat:7w2pppdnjrgh5daetomxcoiva4