Wall shear stress sensor based on the optical resonances of dielectric microspheres

U K Ayaz, T Ioppolo, M V Ötügen
2011 Measurement science and technology  
We report an optical wall shear stress sensor based on the whispering gallery mode (WGM) shifts of dielectric micro-resonators. The optical resonators are spheres with a typical diameter of several hundred microns and they serve as the sensing element. The wall shear force acting on a movable plate is transmitted mechanically to the microsphere. As a result of the applied force, the shape of the resonator is perturbed leading to a shift of the optical resonance (WGM). The one-dimensional wall
more » ... ear stress is measured by monitoring these WGM shifts. Shape perturbations of the order of a nanometer can be detected with this optical method. The measurement resolution and range can be optimized by using dielectric sphere materials of different stiffness covering a wide range of flows. Prototype sensors using PDMS spheres have been built and validated in a laminar Poiseuille flow and in a plane wave acoustic tube.
doi:10.1088/0957-0233/22/7/075203 fatcat:2dgzlm2wmngnbna56fixymdntu