Engineering Inventions
Scientific American
of Elyria, Ohio. With an uprigbt frame, aaving tubular standards, sliding rods, and wings, a lantern box and glass sides, aTe various novel detail. and combinationsforgoverning and regu lating the movements of railway trains at crossings, drawbridges, block stations, etc. A vaivp gear for engines has been patented by Mr. Francis C. Simonds, of Kennebnnk, Me. Tbis invention covers sucbspecial construction and arrange ment of parts that the full pre"Sllre of steam wlil be on Ihe engine at all
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... s, and the amonnt allowed to enter the cylinder will be regulated by the greater or less openillg of the valves by the regulator, aCClording to th e load. continu ous electric current is employed for holding signa.! ban· neTA in pOSition to indicate saf,ty, and the current is rapidly interrnpi ed to weaken the power of th e signal magllet and a.llow the signal banner to fan to indicate danger. this being effected by a pecnliar combination of track inst.raments, interrupters, and magnets. A horse hoe has heen patented by Mr. Mal" cns Hardenbrook, of Marysville, Kansas. It is made with fenders npon the inner ends of the hoes to protect small plants from the soil tbrown by the hoes. and there are readdy adjusl able gauge wbeels and stand ard_, the object beil,g to facilitate the cnltivation of small plants. A sulky harrow has been paten ted by Messrs. Armelder F. Pack and Edwin French. of Em poria, Kamas. This invelltion covers improved appli ances for raismg up the harrows to suspend them from the axle when required, an d to lower them to the ground again, the object being t,o simplify the appli ances, improve their effiCiency, and lessen the labor of operating them.