ObiWan-Microbi: OMERO-based integrated workflow for annotating microbes in the cloud [article]

Johannes Seiffarth, Tim Scherr, Bastian Wollenhaupt, Oliver Neumann, Hanno Scharr, Dietrich Kohlheyer, Ralf Mikut, Katharina Noeh
2022 bioRxiv   pre-print
Summary: Reliable deep learning segmentation for microfluidic live-cell imaging requires comprehensive ground truth data. ObiWan-Microbi is a microservice platform combining the strength of state-of-the-art technologies into a unique integrated workflow for data management and efficient ground truth generation for instance segmentation, empowering collaborative semi-automated image annotation in the cloud. Availability and Implementation: ObiWan-Microbi is open-source and available under the
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doi:10.1101/2022.08.01.502297 fatcat:v6uh6g7g3vfttj6xgcx6qcfvsu