Towards a Collaborative Integrated Healthcare Model in Tona

Marta Palou Aligué, Aida Guillaumet Cornet, Mar Cuxart Arnaud
2016 International Journal of Integrated Care  
The Tona Model is one of the 8 projects chosen by the Programme of Prevention and Care of Chronicity of the Department of Health and the Department of Welfare and Family, to implement a collaborative model that creates the ideal conditions to provide integrated care to the public through the interaction between the social and healthcare services as well as other actors from the community. It began in 2012, promoted by the Social Services Department of Tona Town Council and the La Plana
more » ... along with the Primary Healthcare Centre of Tona, and defined the operative and functional guidelines for social welfare and healthcare cooperation to improve continuing care, especially those who find themselves in a complex situation. Based on a strategic analysis of the conditions of the setting, the needs of the community, and the characteristics of the local and county social and healthcare services, the functional plan was drawn up. In the implementation stage this is periodically evaluated and re-planned with the changes required for a continuous improvement of the model. Strategic analysis-Functional plan -Implementation -Evaluation-Re-planning-Plan of Action In order to achieve our goals, we have the involvement of the local social services of Tona and the county, primary healthcare, specialised healthcare, the 3 elderly cares homes in the district and other agents from the community that have made a commitment to act in a coordinated and integrated way, optimising the local and regional resources available. La Plana District -Mental Health -Hospital -Adapted Transport - The main aspects that make up the Tona Model are: 1. Integrated, personalised and coordinated care of people: in order to be able to improve the care defining common responses despite the diversity of accesses, a local dependency committee has been created, made up of professionals from the social and healthcare services. This committee defines procedures, criteria, protocols and circuits of action, as well as individualised plans directed at the users of the service. 2. Care where and when people need it and strengthening primary healthcare and in the community. The model is aimed at optimising the potential of the homecare services, avoiding
doi:10.5334/ijic.2780 fatcat:uy4svsliprcrnfpihpjvl4aqma