Thought Line Synopsis for a TV Series Screen Script: ADVANCE

Prof. M. Radh Achuthan
2020 Studies in Social Science Research  
This research note consists of three parts, A, B, C. A. Why am I writing this research note? Despite blessings of the digital age for the human, a majority of the global population is disinclined, unlikely, or unprepared, to access material in print. In general audio-visual communication has better reception. So such communication on the contents needs to be facilitated. Communication with itself is essential for "human Capital" to create new expressions / programs. People in the field
more » ... that given availability of the two published articles, a "thought line synopsis" based on the same for a screenplay, is desirable. That need could be addressed by an able someone writing a screen script based on these ideas for a TV series, its performance by able male and female communicators, and dubbing the series later in local language for global distribution. ++++++++++++ B. The research note presenting this "Thought Line Synopsis" is based on two published articles, below:
doi:10.22158/sssr.v1n2p84 fatcat:gxcua5ddenfbdby4zn23ygqjtu