Review of Diagnostics for Next Generation Linear Accelerators [report]

Marc Ross
2001 unpublished
New electron linac designs incorporate substantial advances in critical beam parameters such as beam loading and bunch length and will require new levels of performance in stability and phase space control. In the coming decade, e-(and e+) linacs will be built for a high power linear collider (TESLA, CLIC, JLC/NLC), for fourth generation X-ray sources (TESLA FEL, LCLS, Spring 8 FEL) and for basic accelerator research and development (Orion). Each project assumes significant instrumentation
more » ... rmance advances across a wide front. This review will focus on basic diagnostics for beam position and phase space monitoring. Research and development efforts aimed at high precision multi-bunch beam position monitors, transverse and longitudinal profile monitors and timing systems will be described.
doi:10.2172/784919 fatcat:xi2wilgklfe3xir7pei4fi7euy